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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique voluptatum, tempore consequatur animi corporis nihil doloribus vitae officiis quam facilis, incidunt sunt praesentium perspiciatis odio quisquam totam est eum hic! Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo, officiis provident perferendis alias aspernatur inventore quisquam delectus dolore fuga cumque, maiores beatae. Quod ipsa pariatur distinctio ab culpa natus accusamus! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Perspiciatis velit ut quas nobis praesentium dolor similique autem libero non. Delectus perspiciatis iste, porro facere nesciunt minus ipsum voluptatem modi placeat!
URL Parameter
https://manage.staticking.net/index.php/smsapi/ httpapi/?uname=username& password=password&sender= senderid&receiver=mobno&route=route &msgtype=messagetype&sms= test message
Api Description
uname : Username of your account
password : Password of your account
sender : Sender id ( Origin )
receiver : Destination numbers ( Comma separated )
route : Route you want to send SMS ( Promotional API - PA , Transaction API - TA , Promotional Senderid API - PSA )
msgtype : Message type ( Text - 1 , Flash - 2 , Unicode - 3)
sms : SMS Content ( Url encoded )
URL Parameter
https://manage.staticking.net/index.php/smsapi/ httpapi/?uname=username& password=password&sender= senderid&receiver=mobno&route=route &msgtype=messagetype&sms= test message
Api Description
uname : Username of your account
password : Password of your account
sender : Sender id ( Origin )
receiver : Destination numbers ( Comma separated )
route : Route you want to send SMS ( Promotional API - PA , Transaction API - TA , Promotional Senderid API - PSA )
msgtype : Message type ( Text - 1 , Flash - 2 , Unicode - 3)
sms : SMS Content ( Url encoded )
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